Centre For Pagan Studies

Alchemy to Zeitgeist of information on Paganism. A resource for pagans everywhere.

Trefor Wickens

Trefor Wickens born 2nd May 1964

Trefor is a British Traditional Witch/ Cunningman from a family background of folk magic which he has practiced since childhood. He has been involved in various forms of magical practices and ritual since the age of 11yrs, including clairvoyance and clairaudience. Regularly interacting with human and non-human spirits from the age of 4yrs he quickly got used to balancing the normal and spiritual worlds.

Working primarily with nature based magic with a particular focus on Herb magic and medicine, having apprenticed with a medical herbalist for 7 years. His main focus in his practice is the use of folk magic, both historically and every day use.

Also a practitioner of various forms of ritual magic including Abramerlin, Solomonic and Egyptian styles in the past, which have been brought into his practice in the area of house clearances and exorcisms

He also ran a number of pagan groups over the years, along with celebrating seasonal festivals in an accessible form open to people of all faiths, in the London area.

Based in London and Dorset, where he regularly runs workshops and groups on a wide range of esoteric subjects, including magical herbs, shamanism, folk magic, witchcraft, astral projection, divination and dowsing. One of his popular open events are bi annual fairy walks in local woodlands, where he introduces people to nature spirits and ghosts.

With a background in Anthropology he focused on the Shamanic aspects of British folk tradition and teaching academic and practical methods of cross cultural shamanism and traditional folk magic in historical and contemporary settings.

Name of Workshop: The Magical Use of Herbs in the Shakespearean era

Date of Workshop: June 23rd 2022 – Midsummer’s Eve

The Talk is in the form of lecture, using slides, folktales and personal experience to explore the methods employed by our Elizabethan ancestors, with regard to the use of herbs and Illustrate their folk magic use in British culture during time of William Shakespeare, Including a opportunity for Q&A session

People will be guided through the use of herbs mentioned by the Bard, to enable us to include them in our modern day spells and charms

We will explore the properties of plants mentioned in his plays including A Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth

In this talk we will also acknowledge Doreen’s love of Shakespeare and herbs by referencing some of her comments on the subject from her writings

A short handout on the herbal spells/charms covered

List of appropriate reading

About Our Talks/Workshops

Pagan/Esoteric Studies:

The Centre For Pagan Studies/Doreen Valiente Foundation offers online talks/workshops/courses in English. The lessons are delivered in English by acclaimed, published, academic and endorsed speakers.

How to Access

This is done online via the Zoom application, this sometimes varies and we may use other applications depending on the audience/speaker. Tickets are available from our Eventbrite channel https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/the-doreen-valiente-foundation-32651226799


Participation in our events, is free of charge or discounted for benefactors of the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Donations are accepted from people who feel that they would like to support our work. People who want to donate can visit The Doreen Valiente Foundation Donations Page

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