Centre For Pagan Studies

Alchemy to Zeitgeist of information on Paganism. A resource for pagans everywhere.

Phyllis Curott

Upcoming event Sept 4 2022 – Tickets here https://www.eventbrite.com/manage/events/290956537837/promocodes

Phyllis was named one of The Ten Gutsiest Women of the Year by Jane Magazine and inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Clergy and Scholars.

She received the 2018 Service to Humanity Award from the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary where she teaches Wicca, Goddess and Earth-based spirituality.

Phyllis was the first Wiccan Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and was elected Vice Chair of the 2015 Parliament, creating the historic Inaugural Women’s Assembly and drafting the Declaration for the Dignity and Human Rights of Women adopted by the 2015 Parliament.

New York Magazine has called her teaching on Witchcraft the culture’s “next big idea” and Time Magazine has published her as one of America’s leading thinkers.  Phyllis continues to write, teach, and lecture internationally on the embodied spiritual wisdom of Mother Earth, Nature’s “secret magic” and why the world needs its Witches.

Website:   phylliscurott.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/phylliscurott

Instagram: www.instagram.com/phylliscurott/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/phylliscurott

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PhyllisCurottWitchcrafting

About Our Talks/Workshops

Pagan/Esoteric Studies:

The Centre For Pagan Studies/Doreen Valiente Foundation offers online talks/workshops/courses in English. The lessons are delivered in English by acclaimed, published, academic and endorsed speakers.

How to Access

This is done online via the Zoom application, this sometimes varies and we may use other applications depending on the audience/speaker.


Participation in our events, is mostly (except fundraisers) free of charge or discounted for benefactors of the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Donations are accepted from people who feel that they would like to support our work. People who want to donate can visit The Doreen Valiente Foundation Donations Page

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