Centre For Pagan Studies

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Lucya Starza

Scrying: Crystals Balls, Dark Mirrors and Vessels of Water

A talk by Lucya Starza for the Doreen Valiente Foundation

Scrying is the practice of looking into crystal balls, mirrors, water, fire, clouds and other things to see visions, find messages, gain knowledge and see what the future might hold. It can be done to obtain guidance, for inspiration, to discover the answers to questions, to look at distant places or other realms as well as for fortune-telling and prophecy. It’s a form of divination that taps into our psychic senses and powers of intuition.

In ancient Egypt, mirrors sacred to the Goddess Hathor were used to scry the true nature of things. Jade balls have been found in ancient Mayan burials and are thought to have been used for divination. The Cup of Jamshid was reputedly used by Persian kings for observing the seven layers of the universe, and Nostradamus obtained his prophesies from staring into a bowl of water while he was in a trance. John Dee’s crystal ball and obsidian mirror, which he and his partner Edward Kelley used to consult angels, can still be viewed in the British Museum. Doreen Valiente, in An ABC of Witchcraft, offered a witch’s way of creating, dedicating, and using dark mirrors. The art of using such devices for fortune telling or other insights has never died out, and practitioners are still consulted today.

In this talk Lucya Starza will look methods and techniques of developing the scryer’s art.

Lucya Starza

Lucya Starza is an eclectic witch living in London, England. As well as being a Gardnerian Wiccan and having a long-standing interest in traditional witchcraft she grew up in a family where fortune telling and divination, as well as folk magic practices, were part of everyday life. She writes A Bad Witch’s Blog at www.badwitch.co.uk and is the author of Pagan Portals – Scrying as well as other books published by Moon Books on candle magic, poppets, and guided visualisations.

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