Centre For Pagan Studies

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Julian Vayne

Julian Vayne is a well known chaos magician and Wiccan initate. In his forthcoming talk for the Doreen Valiente Foundation 100th Anniversary season he says: –

“In 1978 Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente was published. This book included her Liber Umbrarum, (‘Book of Shadows’) which presented readers with an open-source, accessible approach to the Craft. In the same year Peter J. Carroll released Liber Null which was to become one of the foundational texts of the postmodern approach to occultism known as chaos magic. In this presentation Wiccan initiate and chaos magician Julian Vayne will explore the occulture of the late 20th century, where magical practice began to go beyond the structures of magical orders and covens, transforming itself from a hidden subculture into an overt cultural identity and mainstream spiritual practice. We’ll be looking at the controversies surrounding the publication of ‘the secrets of the Craft’ , the development of eclectic styles of magical practice and Paganism, and how these developments set the scene for the magic of the 21st.”

You can order tickets for his forthcoming talk for the Doreen Valiente Foundation 4 August 2022 online event here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/light-on-the-shadows-doreen-valiente-chaos-magic-and-21st-century-witch-tickets-272317568177

Julian has also interviewed Julie Belham-Payne see his YouTube channel here:

Julian Vayne interviews Julie Belham-Payne

You can visit his website here: https://julianvayne.com/

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