Topic: What is Paganism Parts 1 and 2
Update: Now available – accompanying notes for these talks download from here.
TITLE: What is Paganism
BRIEF: These talks explores what Paganism means to us in modern society and how ancient beliefs are interpreted and followed nowadays
Date: Saturday 06 June 2020 and Saturday 13 June 2020
Time: 20:00 (UK Time)
About our speaker Jennifer Susan Uzzell:
Bio-Jennifer Uzzell is a PhD student at Durham University working under the auspices of the Centre for Death and Life Studies and based in the department of Theology and Religion. She is conducting research into death rites among contemporary Druids in the UK including funeral ritual and natural burial. In addition to her PhD research, which she is conducting on a part time basis, she is also co-owner and director of a progressive funeral home that forms part of a growing movement in the UK towards greater openness, honesty and authenticity in the way funerals are arranged and conducted In this capacity she has helped to re-imagine and design funeral rituals that are relevant to those involved and has provided help and advice with ‘home funerals’. She is also a Religious Education Consultant, who has worked in a number of capacities for the Religious Education Council of England and Wales, and a senior examiner in Religious Studies. As well as Druidry, her academic interests include Hinduism, Buddhism, the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics.
Contact: Jennifer Uzzell.
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