Centre For Pagan Studies

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Philip Heselton -Biographer

Philip Heselton Philip Heselton  – Philip’s Biog – “Born on 29th March 1946, I have had an affinity with paganism for as long as I can remember, seeking out the wild woods and desolate moors for my spiritual refreshment. The two themes of the landscape and the inner world have dominated my life, and it is in paganism that they have come together. Stimulated by a well-stocked local library, I became interested in UFOs and thereby met Tony Wedd, my first mentor, who introduced me to Alfred Watkins’ great discovery – leys. Jimmy Goddard and I started The Ley Hunters Club and founded “The Ley Hunter” magazine in 1965. The subject of Earth Mysteries emerged out of this and I subsequently wrote several books, including “The Elements of Earth Mysteries” and “Leylines – A Beginner’s Guide”. My interest in landscape led to a degree in Geography and a career in Town and Country Planning, eventually becoming a Conservation Officer before my retirement in 1997. I have always been aware of the existence of realms other than the physical and this has led to a continuing interest in psychic phenomena and techniques, including astrology. I first read Gerald Gardner’s “Witchcraft Today” in 1960 and discovered strange echoes in my being which have stayed with me for the rest of my life, although it was much more recently that I was initiated into the Craft (Gardnerian – Whitecroft Line). I had previously, however, been initiated into a very secret traditional branch of the Craft with its roots in Lincolnshire. For me, paganism is about our own experience of the deeper side of the landscape around us, and I tried to express this in a series of books published by Capall Bann, “Secret Places of the Goddess”; “Mirrors of Magic” and “Magical Guardians – Exploring the Spirit and Nature of Trees”. I have recently tried to go back to my roots in researching the sources of Gerald Gardner’s writings. This has resulted in my two latest books – “Wiccan Roots” and “Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration”. My new full-scale biography of Gerald Gardner is to be published by Thoth Publications in June 2010.

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