Centre For Pagan Studies

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Caroline Wise

Caroline Wise, author and speaker on the Goddess Elen and London Walks

Caroline is joining us for the 2022 Doreen Valiente 100th Anniversary Celebration – her talk is entitled –

The Return of the Goddess in Europe, and her Three-Fold Route Back

Sunday March 27th 2022 at 6 pm UK time

We’ll be looking at the re-discovery of the goddesses of the ancient world  as relevant in the 19th and 20th centuries, and discuss how she will be embraced as we move forward in the 21st. Along the way we’ll look at the magical pioneers who dedicated their lives to the re-installation of the goddesses. 

About Caroline Wise

Caroline has contributed to several books on the goddesses,  including  ‘She, Primal Meetings with the Dark Goddess’,  with Storm Constantine, and compiled the book ‘Finding Elen, the Quest for Elen of the Ways’, with a stellar ensemble She is co-editor, with John Matthews, of The Secret Lore of London.  Her latest project is a collaboration with Ruth Bayer,  ‘Here come the Candle, A Photographic Summoning of London Ghosts’.  Caroline is also known for creating The Wildwood Conferences in the 1990s, that sought to find links with folklore, landscape mysteries and modern paganism, plus big Goddess conferences in London in the 90s and 00s for The Fellowship of Isis, for whom she was the administrator and publisher. Since 1989, she has been involved in the re-publication of the very much ‘goddess-‘ works of the occultist Kenneth Grant.   Caroline trains women in the art of the priestess and art of the oracle, and speaks internationally on the Goddesses.  Her primary interest is goddesses and the landscapes that forged their perception, and related myth and magic in the land. You can see more about her very interesting work on this site https://www.goddessenchantment.com

About Our Talks/Workshops

Pagan/Esoteric Studies:

The Centre For Pagan Studies/Doreen Valiente Foundation offers online talks/workshops/courses in English. The lessons are delivered in English by acclaimed, published, academic and endorsed speakers.

How to Access

This is done online via the Zoom application, this sometimes varies and we may use other applications depending on the audience/speaker.


Participation in our events, is either free of charge or discounted for benefactors of the Doreen Valiente Foundation. Donations are accepted from people who feel that they would like to support our work. People who want to donate can visit The Doreen Valiente Foundation Donations Page

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